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Victory in Troubled Times


Updated: Aug 25, 2020

It’s time I post a blog concerning the COVID-19 pandemic that’s turned the world, America and our lives upside down.

Much has been said… the fear and loss endless. Too many have given up.

For me, sequestration provided time to complete Days of Glory, the final book in my Last Useless Journey series. Truth be told, with limited eyesight, I like being home best. For many, it’s devastating. I understand.

Now, amidst this chaos, school upheaval, parents struggling to keep jobs, loss of income, businesses devastated. A time of grave trouble. Plus, the vitriol of a divided America—hatred, injustice, riots, murders, cities in ruin. Who imagined we’d see America in such chaos where evil abounds?

Add a pandemic in the midst of a Presidential election? History reveals a new Chinese virus spreads worldwide every four years as we prepare to choose a new leader. But alas, this is not our focus today.

In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God’s word says if his people will humble themselves and pray, and seek his face, and turn from their wicked ways, He will forgive our sins and heal our land. Let us—


When I found the following in a file folder, unauthored and without reference, I witnessed it as God’s message to us in this time of trouble



“It’s impossible” All things are possible Luke 18:27

“I’m too tired” I will give you rest Matthew 11:28-30

“Nobody really loves me” I love you John 3:16,34

“I can’t go on" My grace is sufficient II Corinthians 12:9

& Psalm 91:15

“I can’t figure things out” I will direct your steps Proverbs 3:5-6

“I can’t" You can do all things P Philippians 4:13

“I’m not able” You are able II Corinthians 9:8

“It’s not worth it” It will be worth it Romans 8:28

“I can’t forgive myself” I forgive you I John 1:9

& Romans 8:1

“I can’t manage” I will supply all your needs Philippians 4:19

“I’m afraid I have not given you II Timothy 1:7

a spirit of fear

"I’m always worried and Cast all your cares on Me I Peter 5:7


“I’m not smart enough” I give you wisdom I Corinthians 1:30

“I feel all alone” I will never leave you Hebrews 13:5

With permission, I leave you with this precious poem by my sister-in-law Char Schmidt, a 2020 Easter gift from the Lord.


Enslaved by my sin I lived

Not knowing He died for me

Then in my shame I cried

How can I live for thee?

Oh, how on the cross He died

Giving his life for me

Then in my shame I cried

How can I live for thee?

His blood has covered my sin

Forever He has set me free

What a joy I now have

By faith and grace, I live for thee

Death could not hold him on the cross Risen he has now set me free

Now I no longer cry

How can I live for thee?

Sin and shame can never hold me down

My praises I lift to thee

What a victory He has paid

Eternally I can live for thee.

By Char Schmidt

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